Monday, January 31, 2011

Response #3

I agree with the point this author is making: self-esteem education and allowance of multiple attempts can be enabling. I did not agree with the example of the SATs and ACTs because I disagree with these tests altogether. I did however enjoy the example of corporations being bailed out by the government. Sometimes people should not be given second chances, but rather face the consequences of their actions. The evolution of self-esteem being taught in education does seem to be more destructive than affective. The example with the girl's grandma suggesting she may need to practice more after playing piano supports this. Had this girl not been told that everything she did was great in school, she would have been able to take her grandmother's criticism without crying. I know, just as well as everyone else does, that people need to be encouraged, but protecting their self-esteem can give them false hope and shape them to be terrible businessmen and women.

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